
2020 Spring Fundraiser – Tazama Tunayo Jenga

Due to the emerging risk of community spread COVID-19 virus and the recommendation by health officials to limit social gatherings to less than 10 people, I have made the difficult decision to postpone Ageno’s spring fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, April 4th.

I am trusting God to provide for not only our needs for the Ageno building fund but also for each of you – our supporters and friends and your families during this time.

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise – in God I trust and am not afraid.

– Psalm 56:3-4a

You are invited to experience what we are building. Invite a friend and join us on April 4th, 2020.  Ageno will be holding a fundraiser to raise funds needed to complete the first phase of the Ageno Special Learning Center. Coventry Reserve has been kind enough to host our spring fundraiser for the second year in a row.

In 2012 while working as a teacher at Coventry Reserve in St. Paul, TX, I felt the needed to help create a loving learning environment similar to Coventry for children with special needs who were not getting adequate schooling back home in Kenya. In 2013, together with my co-founder Dorothy and three colleagues from Coventry Reserve we traveled to Kenya to start a program for special needs children in two rented rooms. In the program, the children were taught functional skills and received much-needed therapy.

The number of participants grew from 7 students in 2013 to 21 in 2014. The space became inadequate, so we moved to a larger space in a nearby church. After two years the church wanted their room back. We then moved to a private home, but we had to vacate the house in 2016 due to circumstances beyond our control. These challenges caused me to ask God what He really wanted me to do with the program. I was discouraged but never doubted Him.

Since 2016 we have been training parents and assessing their children at my home in Kendu Bay, Kenya. Every year we go with a team from the US to train, assess and, on some trips, provide wheelchairs to some of our program participants. The number of children with specials needs who use our services has steadily increased to more than 30 in 2019, but we are unable to adequately provide for their needs due to lack of a permanent place to run the daily program. In 2017, my husband and I donate a parcel of land in Kendu Bay, Kenya for Ageno to build a permanent center where we could run our programs.

In early 2019 an architect in Dallas created an architectural design for the Ageno Special Learning Center to be built on the land in Kendu Bay, Kenya. We held a fundraising dinner at Coventry Reserve in April 2019 during which we raised the first part of the funds needed to build this phase. 

Please come join us on April 4th for a come and go fundraiser at Coventry Reserve and help us complete the funding for our Ageno Special Learning Center.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

3pm-6pm Come and Go

Hosted at The Coventry Reserve

2004 Parker Road

St. Paul, Texas 75098

Call Lydia for more details at 469-443-6080