
Amani’s Generosity

Doing garage sales has become a popular way of raising funds for Ageno Community to help enrich the lives of children with special needs in Kenya. We were not prepared for this year’s garage sale but when I asked my friends to donate items for the sale, they did so with lots of love. I had no idea we would have that many items to sell. In fact we still have quite a bit letft in my garage long after the sale. I’m using online apps to help sell some items.

What was most refreshing was that this 2018 garage sale, we made more sales than any other year. God is Good!

Among the donors was a young girl named Amani. She is Veronica and Jack’s daughter. What was fascinating about this girl was that she and her brother were willing to give up their toys and clothes to sell so that they would benefit Ageno Children. This young girl felt it was very important to support her friends who are not as fortunate as her. Unfortunately the money collected was not enough to cover for a wheel chair that is desperately needed. We are still appealing to you, please consider donating to buy a wheelchair for a child in need? Click on the Donate button above or contact me directly at . Thank you.