
“Not by Might nor by Power, but by my Spirit”

Never before had this promise from God, found in Zachariah 4:6, been so evident to me, as during my trip to Kenya this summer.  My trip to Kenya this year was marked by many uncertainties. Every news channel on TV, all newspapers, and websites named Kenya as a highly risk place to travel to. In fact most countries had evacuated their citizens from Mombasa and Nairobi, Kenyan’s major towns. Most churches who usually have their mission trips in the month of July had clearly canceled their trips.  It was scary and I remember praying and asking God if we should really go. There were bad news everywhere, Mpeketoni attack, saba saba political rally, nothing made sense for Ageno volunteers and me to go to Kenya at this time. Yet, God’s word still commanded me to do so. My faith, trust, and hope were on trial. It is usually easy to claim to have faith in minor situations but, this was huge. I was leaving behind my husband, son, daughter, and a secure home in Texas headed to the unknown. While praying, I was reminded of missionaries like Dr. Livingstone who went to East Africa when there were no malaria vaccines. Dr. Livingstone and his like sacrificed their comfort for the sake of bringing Hope to the continent of Africa.


Hope is what Ageno Community is about. It was very important to show hope in the mist of insecurity. So I decided to obey God trusting in His guidance. The moment I decided to go ahead with the trip is the time God literary took over. He provided protection in every way. Evans, one of our parents who is a police officer, took time off from work to drive us around. Lilian, our Program director, made sure we were surrounded by a loving community where everybody knew everyone else. Our stay in Mombasa with Maureen Njuguna was also very fabulous. We had so much peace that we could not explain.


We arrived in Kisumu on July 2 assessed and trained 17 families for 3 days. Everything started on time; the parents were eager and ready to fly with the program. We left for Mombasa on July 6. Before we went to Mombasa, I had time to visit my family. I go to Kenya every year yet it has been a challenge to visit some of my family members. I always wait until I’m on my way back then call  only to tell them I had been  in the country and  I could not see them. There was always a promise of visiting them next time. Well, this time I made it. I had fun with my uncle and aunt Navade. My relatives have grown so tall that I got confused. Jeff, my cousin reminded me, the last time I had been there was 2006! This wasn’t good by Kenyan culture.


We headed for Mombasa on July 6, Maureen welcomed us to her house. It felt like home. We were scheduled to start training on July 7. However, because of the political situation in the country we rescheduled to the following day. We took this opportunity to meet with Dorothy, Alex, and their daughter Pendo of Mombasa Children’s Therapeutic Center.    We needed to know our audience and their expectations. This helped a lot when we met the following day. The parents came expecting and Robin Harwell seized the opportunity to point them to the source of Hope.  We assessed students, trained teachers and therapists, trained parents, and consulted in every way. The parents expressed their gratitude and could not just let us go. Regretfully, the training came to an end. The trip  was very successful. We had time to visit Gede Special School. After conversing with the principal, it was very obvious that our services are also needed at the school. We promised to train their teachers the following year, God willing. We were fortunate enough to visit Bombolulu workshop. Bombolulu Workshops and Cultural Centre is located in Mombasa, Kenya, and works with more than 100 people with different abilities, men  and women artisans to help them overcome their physical limitations and empower them economically and socially to become fully integrated members of their communities


We also visited Malindi Marine Park and Shimba Hills before heading back home. This turned out to be  the best trip I have ever had to  Kenya. ”Mission accomplished” Robin Harwell whispered to me as we boarded KLM back home. “Praise God, He did it “I answered exhaustedly.  I arrived in Texas safe and sound. Praise to God. Talk of God’s protection, we have seen it, we have tasted it!


If you say, “The Lord is my refuge,” and you make the Most High your dwelling, no harm will overtake you, no disaster will come near your tent. For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways;


Psalm 91:9-11


Lydia Asuluda Owallah