
When Schools Close

When schools closed due to COVID-19, I got rather concerned with the idea of not seeing and teaching my students for an extended period. 

We moved from learning within a physical classroom to online learning through Zoom, Google classroom and other learning tools. The first week was full of trials and errors but we finally figured it out! 

First, we had to make sure every student had access to a tablet, a laptop, or a desktop computer. The first homework that I gave my students required them to each create a daily personal schedule. In school I had trained them to follow our classroom schedule and therefore I knew that they would need a predictable routine in this new way of schooling. On the second week away from school we had a full class Zoom meeting and the students were glad to reconnect with their colleagues and seemed to love our new style of learning. One student called it “epic!” and I agree.

I am sure that your family has made many similar adjustments as well and we at Ageno are praying for you. 

Meanwhile, we continue to trust in God to open the way for us to start building a center for Ageno children. You may remember that we were planning to travel to Kenya to start building Ageno Center next month. Sadly this has been postponed as we have had to adjust our schedules due to travel restrictions and social distancing guidelines during this COVID-19 pandemic. 

As I think of my students both here in Dallas and with our Ageno children in Kenya I can’t help but pray for the well-being of all of them. May the Lord see them through these trying times.

My prayer for this Easter season has been to renew our hope for all that God has planned.
