
Ageno Mission to Kenya

On December 12, 2012 while Kenya as a country was celebrating her 49th Jamhuri Day, the day Kenya became a Republic, Ageno was embarking on its first mission trip to Kenya. The Ageno team met the participants and their parents for the first time on this day. We started with words of encouragement by Roda Kipkore, one of Ageno’s founders. Roda told the parents that their children were precious. She quoted Psalms 139:13-14

 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”

Roda further challenged the parents to respect and advocate for their children. “Mama Samson, when you walk through the market with your son walk with dignity and be proud of him,” she exhorted one of the parents.

After the encouraging words from the Ageno team, we shared with the participants a Christmas dinner that Ageno had prepared for them. After enjoying the hot meal of pilau, chapati, beef stew and mango juice, we presented to the participants precious gifts of clothing from our Coventry friends Kelly Alvey, her friend Teresa, Sherri Rapp, Julie Blakey, and also from the Ageno team. The participants very gladly received the gifts and were thankful for the goodness of the Lord. We sang praises to the Lord in Swahili:

Yu mwema, yu mwema Yesu!

Yu mwema, yu mwema Yesu!

Anabariki. Anaokoa. Anainua.

He is Good, He is Good, Jesus!

He is Good, He is Good, Jesus!

He blesses. He saves. He lifteth up.

Ageno also sent the participants and their parents’ home with chapati flour, sugar and cooking oil for Christmas. They were very grateful to those who made this day possible, reminding us not to forget to convey their appreciation to our friends at Coventry. We at Ageno give glory and honor to our Lord Jesus and thank our friends at Coventry for all their support.

Perhaps the most miraculous encounter of the trip happened a day before we met the Ageno participants. My husband and I were taking breakfast at the St. Anne Guest House in Kisumu, when we saw two American gentlemen who spoke with a Southern US accent. After breakfast we went to sit outside the restaurant. The two gentlemen joined us and introduced themselves as Darrin Haugan and Beau Fields. They were part of a team from “I Am Here For You” ministries on their way to a mission in Bondo District, near the shores of Lake Victoria. During our conversation I shared with them about Ageno and mentioned to them that one of our Ageno participants has hydrocephalus. They gave me the contacts of a ministry called Cure International which performs hydrocephalus surgery in Kenya at a reasonable cost. I knew beyond doubt that these missionaries, Darrin, Beau and their colleagues Alisha and Lisa, who joined us later, were sent by God as an answer to our prayer for Violet. When I arrived back in the U.S, I contacted Cure International on behalf of Violet’s parents, asking if they could perform surgery on Violet. They responded, saying they are consulting with their colleagues in Kenya and Uganda for the best treatment option for Violet.

We continue to follow up with Cure International on behalf of Violet. I will keep you updated about this precious sixteen-year old girl.