
Cleanliness Inside Out

Joann LeBlanc is one of our short term missionaries. Joann led Bible studies recognizing two types of cleanliness, the spiritual and physical.  She wrapped up these lessons with spa moments and dances for the ladies. It was the highlight of retreat. Ladies went home with their dancing clothes. They went home with clothes that people donated and volunteers packed in their luggage.

Here’s a few words from Joann:

“This mission trip has been the most amazing experience of my life. I have been humbled, and filled with compassion, empathy, and patience. I have a greater appreciation for everything the Lord has blessed me with. Now, I know I can live with minimum, and yet be happy, because happiness comes from within. This I’ve gleaned from the Kenyan people of AGENO. The children and mothers we served are beautiful! At our hands, the mothers enjoyed manicures and pedicures. The children were ecstatic (little Mildred) in particular, at receiving their new wheelchairs. The Retreat lasted only a few days, but I became so accustomed to having the children and their mothers in the house; I was a bit sadden when the Retreat ended, and everyone departed. Having fulfilled a small portion of the ministry all of us are called to, I look forward to the ‘2020 Celebration.”
by Joann J. LeBlanc