
Fellowship with Ageno Parents

This past July I invited the parents of four children who participate in Ageno programs for a time of fellowship at my home in Kendu Bay, Kenya.

During the five days we spent together with them and their children they shared their dreams for the children. They suggested things that we could incorporate in the curriculum and activities we could engage in to make the program sustainable.

The day before they traveled back to their homes, I took the parents to the site where Ageno Center is under construction so that they could see the progress we had made so far. At the site we prayed for the children who God would bring to us at Ageno Center and that He would provide the additional resources needed to complete the building.

I had invited the architect to give the parents an overview of the project, including the space layout and functions. I sensed from the reaction of the parents during the site visit and the presentation by the architect that they now realized that a home for Ageno children that we had talked about for some years was finally becoming a reality.

Before we left the building site, the parents planted four Nandi Flame trees which are part of the future flora and fauna at Ageno Center and which we hope will represent the growth in love and compassion in the hearts of community members for children with special needs.